Halloween DIY: Cartoonify a Mini Materials Miniature Tombstone

Posted by Mathew Hofma on

DIY Halloween Cartoonify mini tombstones


This easy to do trick only takes a couple of minutes and gives a cool comic book style pop to your Halloween decorations! 

What you'll need:

first steo


First, take the sharpie and color in the words "RIP." Fill in the crack at the top as well.

step one in mini tombstone diy


Next, trace every line on the mini tombstone. This really gives a cartoon-like effect.

color the edges


After that, add in some shadow lines to the corners. You can crosshatch or add lines going in one direction depending on the look you are going for.

add detail to mini tombstone



You can also just add a ton of cracks and other little details. Make it your own! You could also add a name to it under the "RIP!"

 How cool would this look on top of a cartoony Halloween themed cake?!

finished mini tombstone

Have any more cool ideas for our Mini Tombstones? Shoot us an email at info@minimaterials.com or reach out to us on Instagram!


shop mini tombstones

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